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  • File Size 491 MB
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  • Create Date 8 april, 2016
  • Last Updated 27 maj, 2022

cadett ELSA R35.0.1.4 DVD

This is the installation DVD for cadett ELSA R35.0.1.4.

cadett ELSA R35.0.1.4 contains a large number of new features and improvements.

Please refer to REVHIST.TXT for a list of affected functions.

The ZIP file should be unpacked in a directory of your choice from where the installation is started using INSTALLERSETUP.EXE.

Updates from older versions are made by performing a new installation followed by an import of all data from the old installation. If installed in the same directory as a previous 7.X, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, R30, R31, R32, R33, R34 or R35 version, the import will start automatically when the software is first started after the installation is finished.

cadett ELSA R35 requires a R35 or later hardware lock.

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