- Version R42.0.2.4
- Download 167
- File Size 2,19 GB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 10 November, 2023
- Last Updated 17 November, 2023
cadett ELSA R42.0.2.4 Complete installer (Server#1)
cadett ELSA R42
This is the complete installation file for cadett ELSA R42.0.2.4. The installation package for Solo eXs 2022 is included. All available cadett ELSA R42 products can be installed using this file.
cadett ELSA R42 supports AutoCAD 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
When updating from cadett ELSA R41 or older, please make sure that you have updated your licenses before you install the new version of cadett ELSA. Otherwise, your software will not run until you get the new licenses. Your licenses are handled either with hardware locks, or with a FlexLM license file. Please send your license update request to license@cadett.com.
The R42 is the most extensive update of cadett ELSA in the last 20 years. Not since cadett ELSA 7.0 in 2002 have such big changes been made. The news focuses on performance, especially for large data volumes, and for high network load. A brand-new project module is perhaps the most prominent improvement.
The performance improvements in this release are primarily accomplished by minimizing the network traffic, which is done by letting the server do the processing needed for files on the server. That in turn requires that the server must have access to the project files (the project directories) with the same search paths as the workstation has. The by far best way of fulfilling this requirement, is to place the project folders on the same server where cadett ELSA is installed – the main cadett ELSA server.
If the project directories are located on another server than the main cadett ELSA server, access to the file server from the main cadett ELSA server is required, with the same mapping and access rights as the workstations have. Please note that an installation like that will suffer from inferior performance. In an optimised installation, the project directories are always placed on the main cadett ELSA server. If you currently have project directories on a separate server, we strongly recommend that you move them to the main cadett ELSA server.
As the project module is the main entrance to cadett ELSA, and that module has been completely replaced in the R42, customisations might be affected. If you have any customisations, you should test them against the new release before updating your main installation, so that you can implement any needed adjustments beforehand.
The main project module API interface in R42 is compatible with older versions. Changes needed for the new release should be limited to a minimum, but a test is always recommended. Please note that you should update your licenses first before you install the new version. Otherwise, your software will stop working until you have updated your licenses. Please also note that the R42 does not support Solo eXs 2020. A new version of Solo is therefore included (the Solo eXs 2022), which requires a new license server and a new license to be installed.
The installation file is downloaded from our main server. If you run into problem with the download, you can try the link for downloading from an alternative server instead.