If you are updating from cadett ELSA R40 or older, please do not forget to update your hardware lock(s) before you install the new software release. If you are using a software based license server, please make sure that your license file supports cadett ELSA R41. Otherwise, you will not be able to start the program. You can continue using your old version after the license is updated, until you update cadett ELSA.
This is the complete installation file for cadett ELSA R41.0.1.2. The installation package for Solo eXs 2020 is included. All available cadett ELSA products can be installed using this file.
cadett ELSA R41 supports AutoCAD 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.
cadett ELSA R41.0.1.2 contains a large number of new features and improvements. One of them is support for software-based licenses, without the need for a hardware lock. Please refer to the revision history (REVHIST.TXT) for a list of affected functions.
Please refer to the cadett ELSA installation guide for instructions how to install the update.
cadett ELSA R41 requires a R41 or later hardware lock, or an R41 license supplied from a software-based license server.