
Lexicon management with Excel

This Excel sheet makes it possible to manage cadett ELSA lexicon data using Excel. Full Unicode support is offered.

Excel sheet for PLC management

Excel sheet containg macros to import and export PLC I/O list information from and to cadett ELSA. Supports up to 12 connections per I/O. Please note that the current version is dated 2019-03-08.

Example of communication cadett ELSA-Excel

This is a sample with an Excel-sheet containing macros with which it is possible to extract information from cadett ELSA 7.X/8.X like device lists, terminal plans and cable core lists. The information may be edited in Excel and the changes can then be sent back to cadett ELSA where the drawing sheets are updated accordingly. […]

Boka en gratis demonstration av cadett ELSA genom att fylla i dina uppgifter här:


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