
cadett ELSA R30.0.2.1 DVD

This is a complete installation DVD for cadett ELSA R30.0.2.1. The ZIP file should be unpacked in a directory of your choice from where the installation is started using the file ELSAInstall.exe. Updates from older versions are made by performing a new installation followed by an import of all data from the old installation. If […]

Update to cadett ELSA R30.0.2.1 from R30.0.1.0 – R30.0.2.0.

cadett ELSA R30.0.2.1 as an incremental update from cadett ELSA R30.0.1.0, R30.0.1.1, R30.0.1.2, R30.0.1.3 or R30.0.2.0. If you have a network installation, please run the patch on the server. The clients will be updated automatically from the server. IF YOU HAVE CUSTOMIZATIONS OF ANY KIND IN YOUR INSTALLATION, PLEASE CONTACT CADETT FOR ADVICE BEFORE YOU […]

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