
cadett ELSA LT

Basic features in cadett ELSA LT

With cadett ELSA LT,  you can create your circuit diagrams quickly and efficiently.

cadett ELSA LT is the perfect product to start with. It contains all the necessary features to quickly and efficiently create circuit diagrams, cabinet layouts, device lists, tables of contents, and much more.

You can upgrade to cadett ELSA Professional or cadett ELSA Enterprise to get automatic wire numbering, wire lists, and cable lists.

cadett ELSA LT has a built-in genuine AutoCAD OEM that provides a very affordable system that is fully compatible with the other cadett ELSA products.

Floating network license is included.

The differences between all the cadett ELSA products are shown in the comparison list below.

Embedded AutoCAD OEM

Embedded AutoCAD OEM

A genuine AutoCAD OEM is included in cadett ELSA LT . This provides the best possible compatibility with AutoCAD and a very attractive price.

cadett ELSA Automation


The product has extensive automatics with OnLine cross-referencing, item designation generation, terminal numbering, and much more.

Dynamic table editing

Dynamic table editing

Edit the cadett ELSA device list directly on the screen or with Excel. The entire project is automatically and dynamically updated.

Revision Management

Revision Management

Manages the projects in any number of revisions and tracks all changes fully automatically.

Consistency control

Consistency control

Checks that all documents are consistent and helps to correct any discrepancies.


Option Handling

Enables multiple variants in the same project. Parts of a project spread over several sheets can be activated or deactivated as needed.

PLC handling


Full symbol library for all control systems with I/O symbols and PLC mirrors. Automatic transfer of data between them provides all the benefits of both function and location oriented documentation at the same time. Link to Excel.

Article portal

Article portal

CADENA's article portal contains hundreds of thousands of articles and is fully integrated with cadett ELSA.

PDF with hyperlinks

Reports and PDFs

The report generator allows you to quickly and easily create reports in optional formats such as AutoCAD and Excel. QuickPDF enables lightning fast creation of complete PDF files with hyperlinks for cross-references.

Automatic cabinet display

Cabinet layout

Simplify and speed up the creation of your cabinet layout with an automatic pick list that gives you the correct components with the correct dimensions.

Comparison of the different cadett ELSA products

The table below shows the differences between all the cadett ELSA products, which features are available in each product.

Embedded genuine AutoCAD
Revision Management
Automatic lists of changes between revisions
Import/export of projects, symbols etc.
Complete configuration by project
Drawing Manager (editing)
Embedded viewer with printing facility
Free configuration of drawing frames and title fields
Drawing Environment
Maximum number of drawing sheets per project (OnLine)
OnLine error checking
OnLine wire and cable check
OnLine consistency check
Symbol Generator
Ability to create user defined macros/sub-circuits
Option Handling
Symbol library according to IEC617/IEC1082
Symbol library according to IEC617/IEC113
Symbol library according to DIN
Symbol library according to JIC
Symbol library according to ISO1219 (hydraulics/pneumatics)
Symbol library for instrument (equivalent to SSG)
Symbol library for cabinet layout
Cable harness module
Automatic pick-list for cabinet layout symbols
Symbol list, editable, dynamic (1)
Device list with print option, OnLine
Device list, editable, dynamic (1)
Terminal list with print option, OnLine
Terminal table, editable, dynamic (1)
Cable list with print option, OnLine
Cable core list with print option, OnLine
Cable core list, editable, dynamic (1)
Internal wire list with print option, OnLine
Internal wire list, editable, dynamic (1)
Automatic wire-numbering
Possibility of easy editing with Excel
Report generator
Script Generator (mass processing with AutoCAD)
Multi-page PDF files with hyperlinks
Catalogue (article database), editing
Catalogue (article database), import
Catalogue (article database), editing with Excel
Full API for easy programming
Automatic generation of intelligent external connection diagrams
Support for thin clients, roaming profiles and dynamic workstations
Replicator (connects server installations in different locations)
Super projects (linking several projects)
Remote import (remote import of drawing environment with symbol libraries, catalogs etc.)
Remote Travel (remote import and export of projects)
SilentPDF (background generation of PDF files for many projects simultaneously)
WAN mode (support for slow networks such as VPN)
Enhanced management of PLC data (PLC database)
Facilities database
Advanced block diagram

1) The changes in the table are transferred OnLine to the circuit diagram.

Embedded AutoCAD OEM


cadett ELSA LT has a built-in genuine AutoCAD OEM for 100% compatibility with AutoCAD. This combination is very affordable. cadett ELSA LT can be upgraded to cadett ELSA Professional or cadett ELSA Enterprise . All cadett ELSA products are fully compatible with each other.

cadett ELSA Automation


cadett ELSA has lots of automation, including automatic cross-referencing, automatic terminal numbering, automatic post designation generation, cable lot numbering and wire numbering.

See the product comparison for more details.

Dynamic table editing

Dynamic table editing

We call it Dynamic OnLine. It provides direct access to device lists, connection tables, terminal tables and cable tables. You can edit the content directly on the screen. Circuit diagram sheets and other documents in the project are updated with your changes at lightning speed, fully automatically.

Equipment list
Connection table
Cable part table
Plinth table
Automatic cabinet display


If you wish, you can start your design work with the cabinet layout. When it is time for the circuit diagram, you will then automatically receive a pick list with everything to be inserted into the circuit diagram. Or you can do the opposite. You can start with the circuit diagram and from that get a pick list for the cabinet layout. A third option is to work in parallel. You have complete freedom to do what you want with an automatic consistency check that compares the different document types with each other and both tells you what is different and helps you to fill in what is missing.

There are functions to convert a 2D cabinet layout into 3D, allowing for a simple collision check. Is there room for everything, in all directions? The physical sizes in all three dimensions are available in the cadett ELSA article database.

The connection management takes into account how the devices are positioned in the cabinet layout to optimize the connection order, so that the wires are routed the shortest way.

The connection table can be easily exported, for example to Autodesk Inventor, Solid Edge, Solidworks or other 3D CAD systems.

Article portal


A cooperation agreement between cadett and CADENAS gives all users of cadett ELSA access to a built-in portal with hundreds of thousands of articles. This makes it easy to search for the right article and then retrieve metadata and symbols for both 2D and 3D layouts and circuit diagrams. Everything is based on the eClass standard, which in turn is based on ISO3584 and IEC1360.

Read more about eClass in the FAQ.

PDF with hyperlinks


It is easy to produce reports in your preferred formats, such as Excel or AutoCAD.

PDF files are generated quickly and easily. They are searchable, have handy bookmarks and hyperlinks for the cross-references.

PDF with hyperlinks
PDF with hyperlinks

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