Terminal group name after first terminal

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Terminal group name after first terminal

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Figure 1265:   Two options are available to select in a drop-down list.

Figure 1265:   Two options are available to select in a drop-down list.


There are two options for this field, namely None or Invisible.


Normally you select None, which means that the terminal group name for all terminals except the first one in a row are left empty.


It is however also possible to specify terminal group names for all terminals and have all of them invisible except the first one. This is a suitable solution for circuit diagrams where horizontal and vertical ways of drawing are mixed. Please note that if Invisible is selected, the index will be handled in the same way, which means that the index will be included for all terminals, but invisible for all but the first one. This method is used to make the terminals independent of all kinds of inheritance.
Please refer to the topic named Mixing vertical and horizontal way of drawing.