Project Module

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Project Module

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Figure 55: The Project Module icon

Figure 55: The Project Module icon


The documentation of the Project Module is divided in a General overview topic, topics with descriptions of the toolbar and the menus, and detailed topics describing major features that are not limited to one single command. Additionally, a description of the sample projects that are included in the delivery of cadett ELSA is provided.


The links below will bring you to the main sub-topics.


General Overview


Toolbar and menus


oContext menu in tree structure

oContext menu in detailed project list

oModule pull-down menu


Tree structure management


Major features and functions

oOpen project

oClose project

oCreate new project

oDelete project

oRestore deleted projects

oSearch for projects

oSearch for groups

oRecently used projects

oPreview drawing sheets

oRefresh Project Module views

oSet focus on the open project

oExport and import projects (EZP)

oSilent PDF

oScreen display

oLocal mode


oRevision Handling


oAutodesk Vault Integration


Project Parameters (detailed description)

Sample projects


If you are new to the product, please start with the General overview. If you - on the other hand - are an experienced user and want detailed information about a specific command, please start with the relevant menu point.