Features and functions

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Features and functions

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This topic contains sub-topics with descriptions of most of the features and functions of the Drawing Manager.


The table below lists these sub-topics with a brief description of the content of each one of them.


Sub-topic and link


Document codes

Document codes are used to classify drawing sheets, to control sheet numbering, and to specify file names.


Drawing sheet operations

Here you will find descriptions of ordinary operations on drawing sheets like creating new ones, copy or delete existing sheets, change title field information, rearrange the sequence of sheets, renumber existing sheets, and a lot more.


Adjusting the survey

How the survey in the Drawing Manager can be adjusted according to the preferences of the user is described here.



Filters can be used to limit the number of sheets that are presented, to make it easier to navigate among the ones that still are. How that is done is described here.



The viewer provides a preview of a selected drawing sheets directly in the Drawing Manager. All features associated with that are described here.


Special commands

In this sub-topic, you will find descriptions of a few powerful and also useful commands that affects all drawing sheets at once.


Dialogue box descriptions

Two dialogue boxes that are used in multiple commands are described in full detail here.


Drawing frame and mask

Everything the Drawing Manager does is based on the drawing frame and the mask. The mask defines the behaviour of the Drawing Manager, and it is fully configurable. All details are described here.


User defined file types

Support for user defined file types enables files other than DXF drawing sheets to be handled by  the Drawing Manager. How that is done is described here.


Message handling

Error messages in the Drawing Manager are handled by a separate Message handling system, which prevents message boxes from unnecessarily interrupting your work. That Message handling system is described here.



General configurations of the Drawing Manager, like which colours to use, are described here.