User defined file types

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User defined file types

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The Drawing Manager supports other file types than ordinary drawing sheets (DXF files). That feature can be used for Word documents, Excel sheets, PDF files, and many more.


If this support is enabled, and files that have file types that the Drawing Manager is configured to support are copied to the project, you can collect them using the ordinary Collect command. You can therefore see these files in the Drawing Manager and also open them in the usual cadett ELSA manner, for example with the Open button. If you open a file other than a DXF file from the Drawing Manager, the program that is associated with the file type in question in Windows, will start and open the file.


How you activate user defined file types is discussed in the Activating user defined file types sub-topic.


How you configure which file types to include is discussed in the Configuration for user defined file types sub-topic.


Figure 704:  "Support for user defined file types" is activated in this project. Therefore, the Drawing Manager is able to display and manage PDF files.

Figure 704:  "Support for user defined file types" is activated in this project. Therefore, the Drawing Manager is able to display and manage PDF files.