The Sheet Shift Feature

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The Sheet Shift Feature

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Figure 991:  This is one of several places in the menu system where you can access the Sheet Shift Feature.

Figure 991:  This is one of several places in the menu system where you can access the Sheet Shift Feature.


The Sheet Shift feature is used to exit the current drawing sheet and open another sheet within the same project directly from the Drawing Environment.


The feature is divided in no less than nine separate alternatives, of which seven are available in the menus and therefore listed below.





Any sheet...





Previous/no save

Next/no save


There are several ways available to select these alternatives. Most of them are described in a separate sub-topic named Accessing sheet shift commands.


Basically, all the listed alternatives are handled by one single command with multiple options. That command is called CAELCHGDXF. The details of the options of that command are described in a sub-topic named CAELCHGDXF.


Descriptions of the respective alternatives are found in separate sub-topics that you reach using the links above. Please note that the Any sheet... option is the by far most complex of the ones listed above. Therefore, the description of that option is the by far most extensive.