Generate PDF file tab

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Generate PDF file tab

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Figure 1014:  The "Generate PDF file" tab

Figure 1014:  The "Generate PDF file" tab


The details of the PDF file generation are primarily controlled by settings that you can make in the Settings tab.


Five tabs to the right allow for extended settings such as user defined layer settings, logotype insertion, advanced filtering, and more. Please refer to the five sub-topics listed below.


Extended layer setting

Insert logotype

Advanced filename

Advanced filter



General settings are made directly in the Generate PDF file tab, before you click the Create PDF button to start the actual process of creating the PDF file. Those settings are described in sub-topics linked below, one for each section of the tab.


Complete QuickPDF setting

File name

Content of PDF file

Directory to place generated PDF file in


The two check-boxes in the lower right corner of the Generate PDF file tab are described in the sub-topics that are listed below.


Create hyperlinks for cross-references

Open PDF file after generation


Finally, the buttons in the lower part of the dialogue are described in two separate sub-topics.


Create PDF
