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Figure 1422:  The Catalogue

Figure 1422:  The Catalogue



Purpose and basic definition

The purpose of the Catalogue module of cadett ELSA, is to manage data about articles. In most cases those are standard components that you can buy from suppliers. The word used in cadett ELSA for articles for which data is stored in the database of the Catalogue, is “resources”.


Please note the difference between a “resource”, for example in the catalogue, and a “device”, for example in a device list.


A “resource” is a certain type of component in general, not one specific physical specimen. A resource cannot have an item designation, since a resource may occur in an infinite number of copies.


A “device” is the opposite, namely a specific named specimen of the resource in question. A device is named using an item designation, unique for that specific copy.



The Catalogue of cadett ELSA

When you activate the Catalogue module by clicking on its icon, you will see on the screen the catalogue that was last active. It can e.g., be DM385E which is an example catalogue that comes with cadett ELSA upon delivery.


At the top left, you can select which catalogue to present on the screen. The delivery of cadett ELSA currently comes with four catalogues, DM385E (an English demo catalogue), DEM385 (a Swedish demo catalogue), DEMO30 (a German demo catalogue) and DUMMY (an empty catalogue). If you switch to the DUMMY catalogue, you will immediately see the relevance of its name. A common way to take advantage of the fact that it is possible to have many catalogues is to use one catalogue for each important supplier.


The catalogue presents its resources partly in a survey with one row for each resource, and partly in detailed views with information about one resource at a time. Please note that the first column in the survey contains the important index i.e., a code unique to each resource. The index for the current resource, the one that is highlighted in the survey, and which therefore refers to the detailed view, is also presented above to the left of the detailed views, just below the catalogue name.


If your screen does not have a very good resolution, you cannot see all the detailed views at the same time. You can then slide sideways using a drag strip at the bottom of the detailed views i.e., just above the survey.


You move around between the various resources in the catalogue in the survey in the usual way, by clicking on the desired row, by using the drag bar in the right edge of the survey or by using the keyboard. <UP_ARROW> and <DOWN_ARROW> move focus one resource backward or forward respectively. Similarly, you can move multiple items backward or forward with <PAGE_UP> or <PAGE_DOWN>.