Introduction to the Reference Manual

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Introduction to the Reference Manual

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Figure 1:  cadett ELSA R43

Figure 1:  cadett ELSA R43


This introduction to the new Reference Manual, contains a description of the manual itself and how you can use it in the best way possible. It also contains general background information for the product, like a short presentation of the company behind it, the standards that are valid for electrical documentation, and the technology that constitutes the foundation for the product.


Finally, the introduction covers a general description of cadett ELSA, the modules that it consists of, how to work with the product in the best way, and how a typical installation is made up.


You can continue reading from where you are, like here, or use the provided links to find your way quicker.


The new Reference Manual

Basic facts

IEC and ISO standards

Item designations

The OnLine Engine and other automatic functions

The system design of cadett ELSA

The Modules of cadett ELSA

The Work procedure (IMPORTANT!)

The installation of cadett ELSA


The main chapters of the reference manual, besides this introduction, are listed below in The new Reference Manual topic, available with this link.