Background colours

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Background colours

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The traditional black background colour has been used in cadett ELSA for almost 40 years. It offers many advantages such as good readability.


Despite that fact, an increasing part of our users prefer a white background. However, the standard colours that were previously used for the layers in cadett ELSA made this a bad idea. For example, text with yellow colour is easy to read towards a black background but almost impossible to make any sense of towards a white background.


The figure below, shows contemporary white background. A figure in the end of this topic, shows legacy black background.


Figure 785: White background colour in cadett ELSA R43

Figure 785: White background colour in cadett ELSA R43


Figure 786: Black background colour, with contemporary colours

Figure 786: Black background colour, with contemporary colours


To offer an easy choice for all our users, a number of features are available to make it easy to switch between black and white background.


Contemporary standard colours which work fine with both white and black background

Commands to easily switch between white and black background

Commands to change the colours of existing drawing sheets to contemporary background independent colours

Commands to change the colours back to the old standards if desired

Script Sequence to change the colours of the drawing sheets of entire projects to contemporary standard colours

Script Sequence to change the colours to the old standard if desired


In the sub-topics listed below, the subjects discussed above are explained in full detail.


Colours for both black and white background

Commands to switch background colour

Commands to change layer colours

Script Sequences to update entire projects