Update the screen

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Update the screen

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There are four commands available that update the tree structure on the screen in different ways. One of them can be reached from two menu positions. These commands are described in the table below.



Pull-down menu




The tree structure is updated with any changes made by other workstations since the last update and / or when the project module was started.


Please use the link in the left column of this table for more details.


Update tree structure


This is the same command as the one described above.


Please use the link in the left column of this table for more details.


Expand tree structure


The entire tree structure on the screen is expanded as far as possible.


Please use the link in the left column of this table for more details.


Collapse tree structure


The entire tree structure on the screen collapses as far as possible.


Please use the link in the left column of this table for more details.