Configure general screen display behaviour

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Configure general screen display behaviour

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A number of settings affect the general behaviour of the Project module regarding the screen presentation of the projects. All these settings can be found in the Module drop-down menu. Please refer to the description of the Module pull-down menu for more details.




Show recently used projects

If this options is enabled, the most recently used projects are listed above the detailed projects list, so that you can easily and quickly activate one of them again without having to look for it.


Show prototype projects

If this option is enabled, projects that are prototype projects will be displayed not only in the virtual prototype project group, but also in the group or groups where they are actually located. If the option is not activated, the prototype projects are only displayed in the virtual prototype project group.


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Show list of drawing sheets

If this option is enabled, a list of all drawing sheets in the current project is displayed to the right of the detailed projects list.


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