Expand tree structure

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Expand tree structure

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With the Expand tree structure command, you expand the entire tree structure as far as possible. This means that all groups and sub-groups are opened, so that the entire structure, including all sub-levels, is visible on the screen.


Figure 100:  The "Expand tree structure" command in the "Module" pull-down menu

Figure 100:  The "Expand tree structure" command in the "Module" pull-down menu


Please also refer to the Collapse tree structure command.


The figures below show the result on the screen of the Expand tree structure command. The first figure is before, the second one after the command has been executed.


Figure 100:  Typical view of the tree structure with some branches expanded and some not

Figure 100:  Typical view of the tree structure with some branches expanded and some not


Figure 100:  An expanded view of the same tree structure

Figure 100:  An expanded view of the same tree structure