Spare cable cores calculated using cable mirrors

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Spare cable cores calculated using cable mirrors

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If a cable mirror exists for a cable, the calculation of spare cable cores will be made based on that. A cable mirror is a direct equivalent to the contact mirror, but it is used for the cores of a cable, instead of contacts in a contactor or a relay. A cable mirror is one way of enabling automatic cable core numbering. The cable mirror is a symbol in the circuit diagram, in the same way as a contact mirror. The cable mirror defines how many cable cores a cable has, and which numbers or other designations they have, like colours. It is therefore easy to find out how many spare cores that are available, and how they should be designated.


An advantage with cable mirrors over the alternative (numbering algorithms), is that the current booking is shown graphically in the circuit diagrams. When using numbering algorithms, you must turn to a cable core list to find the corresponding information.