Toggle layer On/Off

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Toggle layer On/Off

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Figure 1222: The "Toggle layer On/Off" section

Figure 1222: The "Toggle layer On/Off" section


In the Toggle layer On/Off section of the dialogue box, which you find to the right, you can turn a few especially important layers on and off.


Index refers to the index attributes, which all main symbols are typically equipped with. These indexes are an aid for the designer but are normally not intended to be displayed in a final documentation (INDEX).


Location refers to the special legacy layers for location designations (ORT and ORT_L). Those layers are not used in the contemporary IEC layer set.


Cross-reference refers to a legacy layer for cross-references of help symbols (QVW_L). That layer is not used in the contemporary IEC layer set.


Fixed item designation (mirror) refers to item designation attributes of contact mirrors (KSP_L).


Fixed item designation (all) refers to the layers for fixed (conventional) item designations (DESIG18 and DESIG25).


Symbolic item designation refers to the layers for symbolic item designations (LABEL18 and LABEL25).


Cable symbol refers to the layers were the cable symbols of cadett ELSA are located, excluding cable data such as cable type and cable index.


Layers for cable type and cable index are instead controlled by the Cable data alternative.


Wire-number refers to a dedicated layer for wire-numbers (KAB_NOLL), which can also be turned on or off here.


The Logical symbols alternative is somewhat special since it controls two layers, which are turned on and off alternately. The two layers that are involved are SYM_L and SYM_G. The names are abbreviations of Symbols Logically and Symbols Graphically. If logical symbols are turned on, the SYM_L layer is turned on, which should be the case in all ordinary design work. If you instead turn logical symbols off, the SYM_G layer will be turned on, which is typically done when plotting or creating PDF files.


The Restore layer setting DESIGN Normal button furthest down implies that all layers are turned on and off “in the standard way” commonly used for design work. Most layers are then turned on and only a few are turned off, like SYM_G and HIDE.