Resource groups

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Resource groups

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Figure 1625:  The "Resource groups" tab

Figure 1625:  The "Resource groups" tab


In the Resource groups tab, import of structural information can bed defined. Resource groups are composite resources, meaning resources that you have to buy as multiple parts that you put together after delivery, like like a contactor with an additional help contact block. The resource group refers to the whole package.


Please refer to the documentation of the Description detailed view in the Catalogue, where you will find an explanation of the Resource type field, which includes a detailed explanation of the term Resource group.


The structural resource group information can be imported from the same file as the other input data or from a separate file.


The resource group information must contain all the fields listed in the table below for each imported record. Both the structure ID and the substructure ID refer to indexes.


Field name




Structure ID

Index for the resource group



Substructure ID

Index for a single resource belonging to the resource group




Quantity, number of occurrences of the single resource in the resource group



Please note that most suppliers do typically not provide structural information of this kind. Utilisation of this tab is therefore rare. In most cases it is left empty.


However, if you nevertheless have resource group information to import, the following buttons and other editing tools are available to define that import:


New field


Delete field

Move up

Move down




Drag and drop