Specific details for different symbol types

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Specific details for different symbol types

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Figure 895: There are 14 symbol types to choose from.

Figure 895: There are 14 symbol types to choose from.


There are significant differences of several kinds related to which type of symbol you are creating or editing. Therefore, in this topic you will find information and advice for each symbol type, which complement the more general information that is provided in the previous topics.


Please refer to separate subtopics listed below, one for each symbol type.


01. Conventional main symbol

02. Conventional help symbol

03. Conventional contact mirror

04. PLC main symbol

05. PLC help symbol

06. PLC mirror

07. Terminal main symbol

08. Pin/socket main symbol

09. Terminal/connector help symbol

10. Cable main symbol

11. Cable help symbol

12. Cable mirror

13. Potential reference

14. Sub-circuit