Conventional main symbols

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Conventional main symbols

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The conventional main symbol is the reference for all other symbols, the most typical type of symbol.


The examples that are provided in the Example topic, describe how to create typical conventional main symbols.


Distinguishing properties of a conventional main symbol include the following:


It is neither a PLC, nor a terminal, connector, or cable. It is a conventional device!

It has an index for reference to a suitable resource in the Catalogue.

It typically have connection points, but it does not have to.

It has a component type letter code that is used for automatic item designation generation.

It typically does not have a function code, but it still can have one.

It typically does not have a cross-reference attribute, but it still can have one.

The Resource Category and the Component Type Letter Code are often equal, but they do not have to be.


Figure 896: A typical main symbol, the "SREL5" from resource category "K" in the standard IEC1082 symbol library

Figure 896: A typical main symbol, the "SREL5" from resource category "K" in the standard IEC1082 symbol library