Legacy drawing classes and drawing types

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Legacy drawing classes and drawing types

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Currently, drawing sheets in cadett ELSA are categorised using document codes in an extremely flexible and customisable way, with few limitations. It is possible to configure the number of document codes, the number of levels, the number of characters, and much more.


cadett ELSA R32 and older were much more limited than the current version. Back then, you worked with "drawing classes" and "drawing types" to define the type of drawing sheet in a similar but more limited way, as the current document codes.


The current version of cadett ELSA is fully compatible with the old settings. Projects with drawing classes and drawing types can still be managed and created in cadett ELSA. Therefore, a detailed description of them is provided here, in three sub-topics.


A general orientation of the old drawing classes and drawing types

A description of the Class/types *LEGACY* document code tree, which is used when working with old style projects today

An example of legacy project related drawing types