Creating a new symbol from scratch

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Creating a new symbol from scratch

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As already mentioned, the quickest and easiest way to create a new symbol in most cases is to start with an existing one. However, it is also possible to create symbols from scratch. In some relatively rare cases, that is in fact also the most efficient method. The procedure is described below.


Roughly the procedure consists of two main steps:


1.Draw the symbol graphically.

2.Use the Symbol generator: 1. New command.


A more detailed description of the procedure follows here.


First, please remember the four golden rules that are described in The Golden Rules of symbol making topic. Here is a short reminder:



Snap 2.5

Layer 0



Let us try to create yet another laser siren, but this time from scratch. In that way, the differences between the two methods will become apparent.


The procedure, step by step, is described in the sub-topics that are listed below.


Draw the symbol

The symbol name

Symbol type

Component type letter code and Resource category


Connection points

Insertion point

Minor adjustments


Refresh the Symbol view