The Four Golden Rules of symbol making

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The Four Golden Rules of symbol making

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Regardless how you create your symbols, there are four golden rules to follow that will help you to avoid a lot of problems. These four rules are described in the table below.






There must be free space around the symbol when you are working with it. If there is not, you risk losing parts that belongs to the symbol, or the contrary, objects might end up in your symbol that does not belong to it, for instance the drawing frame, which for sure does not belong there!




The connection points should always be placed on a 2.5 mm snap. Details of the symbol may on the other hand be located just anywhere.




The main part of the symbols should be placed in layer 0. This makes it possible to detect which layer a symbol is inserted in, simply from the colour of it. This difference, concerning colour, linetype and more, works only for objects that are drawn in layer 0.




The size of the symbol should be about the same as the size of other corresponding symbols. It should neither so big that it will not fit the drawing frame, nor so small that it cannot be seen. It is a good idea to compare a symbol that you create with a similar symbol nearby.