Using automatic terminal numbering

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Using automatic terminal numbering

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The use of Automatic terminal numbering when copying is seamless and simple. No further action, besides from activating the feature, is required. When copying terminals, regardless of whether it is made using the COPY command or any other available method, such as inserting a sub-circuit, the copies of the original terminals will be numbered as if they were inserted using the Terminal Macro. The numbering is controlled by assigned numbering algorithms in the “standard cadett ELSA way”.


The principles of automatic terminal numbering are described in full detail in the Tutorial.


Please refer to the following document/chapters/sections:


\ELSA\MANUAL\ENGLISH\cadett ELSA R41 Tutorial.pdf


Section 7.16.1, pages 209-222 (generally about terminals)


Chapter 11, pages 323-333 (numbering algorithms)

Chapter 12, pages 334-345 (automatic terminal numbering)