Extended features

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Extended features

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In this topic, a few extensions of the Report Generator functionality are discussed. The most commonly used of them is Excel Report Generation. Please use the links to reach more detailed explanations in the sub-topics.


Extended feature

Brief description

Super Project Report Generation

This feature, which is available in cadett ELSA Enterprise only, makes it possible to generate reports that cover and entire super project made up of several sub-projects.


Immediate Report Translation

This feature makes it possible to translate certain columns of a report while the report is being generated.


Excel Report Generation

The Excel report generation feature is used to create reports as Excel sheets.


Spare terminal support for device lists

Spare terminals can be included in device lists using this feature.


Cable lists with multiple devices in each end

A cable list normally contains one line per cable only. This feature however adds multiple lines if a cable connects to multiple devices in either end.


DIN cable and terminal plans

The DIN cable and terminal plan is a combination of a terminal plan and a cable core list, which is very popular in Germany.


Catalogue data in connection lists

Normally, information from the Catalogue can only be displayed in device lists, unless the information is transferred to an attribute of involved symbols. With this extended feature, it is however possible anyway.