DIN cable and terminal plans

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DIN cable and terminal plans

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The DIN cable and terminal plan may be regarded as a combination of a terminal plan and a cable core list. It is relatively rare in the Scandinavian countries, but very popular in Germany. One of the advantages with this kind of report, is that it provides a lot of information in a condensed and effective format.


Please refer to the figure below, which shows an example of a DIN cable and terminal plan created with the Report Generator in cadett ELSA.


Figure 1525:  A DIN cable and terminal plan

Figure 1525:  A DIN cable and terminal plan


A report definition for a DIN cable and terminal plan must meet a number of requirements that are listed below.


The report must use a DXF form created according to the specification for those.

The TARGET database must be *X.DBF.

The Sorting must be defined according to the specification for that.

The report definition must have a few settings especially for DIN forms, and they must match the DXF form.


Each of the above mentioned requirements is described in a separate sub-topic, which you access using the links that are provided above.


An additional sub-topic listed below covers compatibility with very old cadett ELSA versions.


Compatibility for DIN cable and terminal plans