Presentation of statistics

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Presentation of statistics

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Figure 1630:  Presentation of stastics from the import

Figure 1630:  Presentation of stastics from the import


A window with statistics from importing the selected supplier file will be displayed, as shown in the figure above. In the two tables below, you will find explanations to the check-box and buttons that are available, as well as the information that is displayed.


Check-box or button


View debug information

A check-box in the lower left corner will also make it possible to View debug information. If  you check that, you will be able to view the information that were presented in the previous step once again.



The window is closed and you continue to the next step, namely Selection of resources to write to Catalogue.


Save debug information

A dialogue box will give you the opportunity to specify where the debug information should be saved.



Interpretation of presented information




The resource in question has never been imported before, so this is a new resource.


Can be updated

This is a resource that has been imported before, and which has either been deleted since then, or has been changed. Therefore, it can be updated.


Filtered out

The filter setting has filtered out the resource in question.


Incorrect index

The resource in question does not have an index or has an incorrect index. You might have defined an unsuitable field as index, or used an empty field as index, in combination with turning the automatic index generation feature off.



The resource in question has not been able to read for some other reason.