New filter

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New filter

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When you click the New filter button, a dialogue box like the one shown in the figure below, will be displayed.


Figure 1604:  The "New filter" dialogue box

Figure 1604:  The "New filter" dialogue box


In this dialogue box, you can define a filter for a certain Catalogue field. This means that you define a condition that must be met for a resource to be imported. Resource that do not meet the filter condition, will be disregarded.


You can add any number of such filter conditions, all of which must be met at the same time for each resource that should be imported.


The first thing to do, is to select a Catalogue field to filter on. You do that using a drop-down list in the Field name field, as shown in the figure below.


Figure 1605:  The field name to filter on is selected with a drop-down list

Figure 1605:  The field name to filter on is selected with a drop-down list


The next stop after that, is to enter a text value to compare with. When doing so, you may include wild-cards as needed.


The figure below shows an example without wild-card. Only resources that are manufactured by ABB will be imported if you set such a filter.


Figure 1606:  This is an example of filtering on one particular manufacturer.

Figure 1606:  This is an example of filtering on one particular manufacturer.


The next figure shows an example with a wild-card ("A*"). The result of a filter like that would be that resources from any manufacturer with a name beginning with the letter "A" would be imported.


Figure 1607:  Here, a wild-card has been used, and resources from all manufacturers that have names beginning with "A" will be included.

Figure 1607:  Here, a wild-card has been used, and resources from all manufacturers that have names beginning with "A" will be included.