New field copy

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New field copy

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Using the New field copy button, you can add a new definition of a copying that should be performed during import. This means that you specify that the content of a certain field in the Catalogue that should be copied to a certain other field, after data has been imported to the first field.


It goes without saying, that the first field, the one that you copy from, must be defined as one of the receiving fields for the import. In other words, you must import something to that field, in order to have something to copy. Therefore, it is not possible to select fields which are not used in the import.


When you click the New field copy button, a dialogue box like shown in the figure below is displayed.


Figure 1599:  The "New field cop" dialogue box

Figure 1599:  The "New field cop" dialogue box


The first thing to do, is to select a field in the Catalogue database to copy from. You do that with the drop-down list in the Field name field, as shown in the figure below.


Figure 1600:  You select the Catalogue database field that you want to copy from in the drop-down list shown here.

Figure 1600:  You select the Catalogue database field that you want to copy from in the drop-down list shown here.


Please note that you cannot select a field that you do not import anything to. In other words, only fields defined in the previous two tabs are available to select.


After you have selected a suitable field to copy from, you select a a field to copy to. That is done using a drop-down list in the Destination field field, as shown in the figure below.


Figure 1601:  You specify the "Destination field" using a drop-down list as shown here.

Figure 1601:  You specify the "Destination field" using a drop-down list as shown here.


Finally, you save your input with the Ok button, or regret everything with the Cancel button.