Dynamic OnLine II

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Dynamic OnLine II

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The Dynamic OnLine II – or DOL II as “she” is called by them who know her well – is the second generation of Dynamic OnLine, which offers a number of advantages compared to the previous. Among those, it is worth mentioning a superior performance in large projects, and more effective editing features, with a user interface similar to the Catalogue and the Drawing Manager.


Figure 1382:  The "Dynamic OnLine II" presenting a "Device list"

Figure 1382:  The "Dynamic OnLine II" presenting a "Device list"


In the current cadett ELSA, the Dynamic OnLine II contains an extended device list as well as a symbol list. They correspond to the first two tabs of the Dynamic OnLine I.


You can start Dynamic OnLine II directly using a module icon located between Dynamic OnLine I and the Report Generator, or from the Drawing Environment, using a pull-down menu, a toolbar or a ribbon menu.


In short you have access to the functions that are described in the sub-topics listed below.


Display Extended device list or Symbol list


Management of large amount of data

Automatic PDS ("kick back" OnLine)


The Electrical data section

Resource groups

Separator character independent item designations

Main list editing

The first icon column