The PDS filter

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The PDS filter

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Figure 1385: The "PDS Filter" section, and more

Figure 1385: The "PDS Filter" section, and more


The three fields Designation, Plant, and Location are mutually excluding. This means that you can filter on only one of them at a time.


Designation stands for two entirely different things, dependent on which type of item designations you are using.


With separator character dependent item designations, Designation refers to the complete item designation.


With separator character independent item designations, Designation refers to the designation part of the complete item designation.



Filter on complete item designation (or designation part)


All devices


All devices with item designations ending with F1


All devices with item designations beginning with =A1+D3


All devices with item designations containing –F


Only the device with item designation =A1+D3-F1



Figure 1386:  Filtering on plant is activated with a selection in the drop-down list.

Figure 1386:  Filtering on plant is activated with a selection in the drop-down list.


Filter on plant

In the drop-down list all plant designations from the current project are available to select. You can pick one of them there, or you can type what you want to filter on.


All devices


All devices with plant designations ending with 1


All devices with plant designations beginning with =A


All devices with plant designations containing A


All devices with the plant designation =A1


Filter on location

A drop-down list, similar to the one for plant, is available here, to facilitate your specification of a suitable location filter.


All devices


All devices with plant designations ending with 1


All devices with plant designations beginning with =A


All devices with plant designations containing A


All devices with the plant designation =A1


When using the Symbol list, the word “device” above should be interpreted as “symbol” instead.