Toggle display of removed symbols

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Toggle display of removed symbols

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You can easily remove symbols from the Symbol Insert Tool to prevent further use of them.


Please refer to the Hiding individual symbols in the Symbol Insert Tool topic for a complete description of the feature and how it should be used.


The Toggle display of removed symbols button, is used to toggle between displaying symbols that should be visible and the ones that should not.


Displaying only symbols that are not meant to be displayed, is useful when you want to restore a symbol that has been accidentally removed.


Figure 1167:  The “TOGGLE” button

Figure 1167:  The “TOGGLE” button


Please refer to the Hiding individual symbols in the Symbol Insert Tool topic for a complete description of how you do that.


The two commands that are used to remove and to add symbols from the Symbol Insert Tool are the following:


Remove from the Symbol Insert Tool

Add to the Symbol Insert Tool