Import legacy TS sub-circuits

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Import legacy TS sub-circuits

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If you have created sub-circuits in versions older than cadett ELSA R32 (before around 2012), you will probably be interested in importing them to the Symbol Insert Tool. A nice feature is available for that purpose and is described here.


The old TS sub-circuits were stored locally in the WS directory of each workstation. This means that the import of old sub-circuits must be made at each workstation, if multiple users have created and stored their own sub-circuits.


The procedure is described here, step by step:


1.A special button is used to activate the TS Sub-circuit Import Tool.


Figure 1186:  The TS Sub-circuit Import Tool activation button

Figure 1186:  The TS Sub-circuit Import Tool activation button


2.The TS Sub-circuit Import Tool activation button is showed in the figure above. Please note that if no un-imported TS sub-circuits exist in the current workstation directory, this button will be greyed out.


3.When you activate the Import tool by clicking the activation button, all un-imported sub-circuits will be shown, like in the figure below.


Figure 1187:  The TS Sub-circuit Import Tool is active.

Figure 1187:  The TS Sub-circuit Import Tool is active.


4.An additional button – the Import Button – will be displayed directly below the Import Tool Activation Button when the import tool is active.


5.Please select a Resource Category in which you want to place imported sub-circuits – all of them or some of them.


Figure 1188:  A Resource Category to import Sub-circuits to has been selected.

Figure 1188:  A Resource Category to import Sub-circuits to has been selected.


6.Then select the sub-circuits that you want to import to the selected Resource Category (Bill’s personal sub-circuit category 901 in the example above).

Figure 1189:  A number of old TS Sub-circuits have been selected for import.

Figure 1189:  A number of old TS Sub-circuits have been selected for import.


7.Finally click the Import Button (the button with a small blue arrow).

Please repeat this procedure for all sub-circuits that you want to import. You can select any number of sub-circuits for each Resource Category that you import to.

To check the result, please deactivate the Import Tool by clicking the Import Tool Activation Button again.

Figure 1190:  The selected Sub-circuits have been imported.

Figure 1190:  The selected Sub-circuits have been imported.