Unpacked revisions

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Unpacked revisions

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Figure 113:  Three unpacked revisions

Figure 113:  Three unpacked revisions


An unpacked revision is in fact a copy of a project in a previous state.


Figure 113:  In this example, three unpacked revisions are available. Please note that they are presented in two additional levels.

Figure 113:  In this example, three unpacked revisions are available. Please note that they are presented in two additional levels.


All unpacked (opened) revisions are displayed in a virtual group named Unpacked revisions. Unpacked revisions are displayed in this virtual group only. It is not possible to access them anywhere else.


Unpacked revisions are displayed in a virtual tree with two additional levels. The first level is the project and the second is the revision for that particular project.


When you select a project in the virtual Unpacked revisions group, all available unpacked revisions for that project will be displayed in the detailed projects list to the right. Please note that revisions in the project that have not been unpacked, will not be displayed in the detailed projects list.


Please refer to the Revision Handling topic for a complete documentation of the concept of revisions and how to handle them.