Remove fields

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Remove fields

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You can remove any fields that you have no need to display, with two obvious exceptions. It is - of course - not allowed to remove neither the Long project name, nor the Short project name.


Figure 205:  The "Sign. 2 (e.g. inspector)" field has been selected to be removed.

Figure 205:  The "Sign. 2 (e.g. inspector)" field has been selected to be removed.


To remove a field, first select it in the Selected fields list to the right. Then click the left-arrow button between the two lists. The field in question will be removed from the Selected fields list to the right.


Figure 206:  After pressing the "left-arrow" button, the selected field has been removed.

Figure 206:  After pressing the "left-arrow" button, the selected field has been removed.



Figure 207:  The "Sign. 2. (e.g. inspector)" column has been removed from the detailed projects list.

Figure 207:  The "Sign. 2. (e.g. inspector)" column has been removed from the detailed projects list.