Help symbols for multiple contacts

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Help symbols for multiple contacts

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You can create help symbols that represents multiple contacts (functions) in one single symbol. Such a help symbol may have more than three connection points and mirror booking will work just fine. Three-phase main contacts are typical examples of that kind of help symbols. An example is shown in the figure below.


Figure 899: This is a help symbol with six connection points that nevertheless will be booked on a contact mirror. It will occupy three contacts with two connection points each.

Figure 899: This is a help symbol with six connection points that nevertheless will be booked on a contact mirror. It will occupy three contacts with two connection points each.


The following limitations apply to this kind of "multiple contact help symbols":


All contacts in the symbol must be of the same type, meaning with the same function code, like for example SH (Make main contact) as in the figure above.

The KNR sequence must be consistent all the way through, as in the figure above.

For booking to take place, the corresponding contact mirror must have an enough number of free contacts with the same function code in direct sequence.