Use Solo eXs

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Use Solo eXs

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There are two main options when it comes to which kind of AutoCAD to use with cadett ELSA. Either you have a separate license for AutoCAD, AutoCAD Electrical or a similar variant of AutoCAD, or you buy cadett ELSA in a Solo version, where an embedded CAD Engine is included. One example of such an embedded CAD Engine is the Solo eXs 2022, which is part of cadett ELSA R42 and R43 Solo.


If you are going to use the embedded Solo eXs, please check Use Solo eXs.

If you are going to use a separate AutoCAD or similar, please uncheck Use Solo eXs.


If Use Sole eXs is checked and a Solo eXs is installed on the current workstations, the Solo eXs 2022 (or later) will be available for selection in the Selected AutoCAD field.