Edit meta data of mask

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Edit meta data of mask

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If you select a mask and click the Edit button in the toolbar, you can edit the meta-data of the mask, which consist of a description text and a signature. You can also edit which mask file the mask should refer to. Please note that the search path is fixed and cannot be altered (\ELSA\I\ZV\MASKEN).


Figure 685:  This dialogue box is displayed when you select a mask and click the "Edit" toolbar button.

Figure 685:  This dialogue box is displayed when you select a mask and click the "Edit" toolbar button.


The table below contains explanations of the fields of the dialogue box.




Mask name

The Mask name field contains the name of the mask. The project parameters define which masks to use. The masks define which mask file is associated with each mask.



The directory of all mask files is fixed. The drive and the directory are therefore irrelevant. Only the file name is used to refer to the mask file.


A mask file is a text file with ".MSK" as file extension.



The Description may be used to explain the intended use of the mask in question.


Designed by

The Designed by field is intended for the signature of the originator of the mask.