Technical details

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Technical details

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In this topic, some technical details of the Drawing Manager and the surrounding conditions for it are discussed. The table below, lists the sub-topics with short descriptions of their content.




ELSA390 standard drawing frames

The specifics of the current standard drawing frames that are used demonstration projects and elsewhere are described here. For a detailed description of drawing frames in general terms, please refer to  the Drawing frame and mask topic instead.


ELSA390 standard masks and mask files

The specifics of the current standard masks and mask files that are used demonstration projects and elsewhere are described here. For a detailed description of masks and mask files in general terms, please refer to the Drawing frame and mask topic instead.


Standard layers and colours

The standard layer and colour sets that are used in demonstration projects and elsewhere, and which are recommended for all projects in cadett ELSA, are described here.


Legacy projects (R32 and older)

This topic deals with compatibility with projects from cadett ELSA R32 and older.


Storage of document code definitions

Details about how document codes are stored in cadett ELSA are described in this sub-topic.


Storage of file name composition

How the file name composition, which is part of the project parameters, is stored is described in full technical detail in this sub-topic.


Preset Aliases compatibility feature

To offer full compatibility with cadett ELSA R32 and older, a feature that makes it possible to define so-called "Alias variables" for the Drawing Manager is available. When converting projects from R32 and older, such aliases are created automatically. All details are described in this sub-topic.