Document type

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Document type

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Figure 813: Selectrion of document type

Figure 813: Selectrion of document type


The Document type is a not yet fully utilised property in cadett ELSA that nevertheless is defined for each symbol.


Potentially, the list of available document types could be extended, both with additional standard document types, and with user defined ones.


The table below lists and explains currently available standard document types.


Document type code

Document type name



Circuit diagram

Circuit diagrams are of course the main document type that is supported by cadett ELSA.


Cabinet layout

The original version of the cabinet layout module was introduced in cadett ELSA 3.05 released in 1991.


Block diagram

Block diagrams are supported in cadett ELSA Enterprise.


External connection diagram

Automatic generation of external connection diagrams has been a standard feature since cadett ELSA 3.05 released in 1991, which included the first generation. Both the second and the third generation is included in the current version of cadett ELSA.


Single line diagram

The IEC symbol libraries do currently not contain any standard single line symbols. The DIN5 symbol library however does. The new IEC1714 symbol library that is about to be released, will contain an extensive set of single line symbols. User defined single line symbols has been possible to create for a long time.


Hydraulic diagram

Hydraulics and pneumatics


Loop diagram

Specific Loop diagram support is not available in the standard product.


Cable/harness diagram

Cable/harness diagrams are supported by the cable/harness module.


Wiring diagram

Wiring diagrams are supported by the cable/harness module.