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First open and right-click the project that you want to check-in to Vault. In the context menu that appears, select Autodesk Vault and then the kind of check-in that you prefer.


There are seven different kinds of check-ins to choose from, as shown in the figure below.


Please remember that you cannot check-in a version, if you have not checked in a revision before. That is because a "version" is considered to be a sub-level of a "revision".


Figure 257:  Check-in

Figure 257:  Check-in



The table below lists all seven alternatives, including explanations.


Check-in kind

Save in Vault

Update display in Vault

Keep project in cadett ELSA



Small check-in of version





A small check-in will not update the presentation of the project in Vault, but the content will be saved in Vault. It is considered a preliminary update of the project, primarily aimed at providing a backup. It is typically used when you are ready with your work for the day, but the work is neither finished, nor approved.

Large check-in of primary revision



A large check-in will update the presentation of the project in Vault, and the content will also be saved there. The project will remain in cadett ELSA but will be locked. A primary revision is a major update, meaning on the top level, for example number 1.

Large check-in of secondary revision


A secondary revision is a second level update, meaning a less extensive update than a primary revision. It will have a number on the second level, for example 2.1.

Large check-in of tertiary revision


A tertiary revision is a third level update, meaning a less extensive update than primary or secondary revisions. It will have a number on the third level, for example 4.2.1.

Large final check-in of primary revision



A "final" check-in means that after the project has been successfully checked-in to Vault, it is deleted from cadett ELSA.

Large final check-in of secondary revision


As above, but on the second level.

Large final check-in of tertiary revision


As above, but on the third level.


You must provide a check-in comment. A dialogue box like shown in the figure below is displayed so that you can enter that comment.


Figure 258:  The "Check-in comment" dialogue

Figure 258:  The "Check-in comment" dialogue