Select directory to save the EZP file in

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Select directory to save the EZP file in

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In the top of the dialogue box, marked with a red box in the figure below, you can specify where the EZP files will be saved.


Figure 164:  A suitable directory to save the EZP files in is selected, one way or the other, in the marked part of the dialogue.

Figure 164:  A suitable directory to save the EZP files in is selected, one way or the other, in the marked part of the dialogue.


You can either type a complete path including drive letter and directory name, or make a selection using the select button to the right, marked with a green box in the figure above.


If you click the select button, a special Browse For Folder dialogue box will be displayed, as shown in the figure below.


Figure 165:  The "Browse For Folder" dialogue is used to select in which directory to save the EZP files.

Figure 165:  The "Browse For Folder" dialogue is used to select in which directory to save the EZP files.


Using that dialogue, you can select a suitable directory to save the EZP files in.


With the Make New Folder button in the lower left corner of the dialogue, you can create a new directory to place the EZP files in, if a suitable one is not already available.