Settings for Autodesk Vault...

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Settings for Autodesk Vault...

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Using the Settings for Autodesk Vault... command, you can access settings that control the behaviour of the integration between cadett ELSA and Autodesk Vault.


Figure 103:  To access the settings for the cadett ELSA-Autodesk Vault integration, please select this command in the "Module" pull-down menu 

Figure 103:  To access the settings for the cadett ELSA-Autodesk Vault integration, please select this command in the "Module" pull-down menu 


After selecting the Settings for Autodesk Vault... command in the Module pull-down menu, as shown in the figure above, a dialogue box is displayed where the settings are accessible. The figure below shows that dialogue box.


Figure 103:  The Autodesk Vault Settings dialogue box

Figure 103:  The Autodesk Vault Settings dialogue box


Please refer to the Autodesk Vault Integration topic for a complete description of the feature, including these settings.