Activation and lexicon selection

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Activation and lexicon selection

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By default, the Immediate Report Translation feature is deactivated (“off”). Using the REP.INI configuration file located in your personal workstation directory (corresponding to C:\ELSAWSxxx), you can activate it.


Besides from turning the feature “on”, you also have to decide which lexicon to use.


You edit the REP.INI using a conventional text editor like Notepad or similar.


The content of REP.INI could typically be something like this:


Figure 1500:  Typical content of REP.INI

Figure 1500:  Typical content of REP.INI


There are really only two settings here:


The Trans key determines whether the Immediate Report Translation is active or not. 1 means active and 0 means not active.


The LEXICON key determines which lexicon to use for the Immediate Report Translation. The value should be the name of the desired lexicon.