Edit a Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirror

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Edit a Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirror

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You edit a Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirror by simply double-clicking it.


The same dialogue box that is used to create the mirror is then displayed, giving you the opportunity to edit it.


Figure 1213: The "Contact Mirror Composition" section of the "Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirror Dialogue" box

Figure 1213: The "Contact Mirror Composition" section of the "Hyper Dynamic Contact Mirror Dialogue" box


Using the features of the dialogue box you can:


Change the item designation, including function (plant) and location

Add a remark or edit an existing one

Change between horizontal and vertical appearance

Add contacts

Remove contacts

Move contacts

Edit connection point numbers

Change function codes of contacts, for example to change from a break contact to a make contact


Specify the desired changes in the dialogue box and confirm everything using the Ok button. The contact mirror will be updated accordingly.


However, please note that the item designation must not be empty.