PLC mirrors

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PLC mirrors

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PLC mirrors are available for most practically existing combinations of digital and analogue inputs and outputs with between 1 and 12 connection points per I/O.


Figure 1147:  This figure shows a digital PLC mirror with 2 connections per I/O and an analogue PLC mirror with 4 connections per I/O. Both mirrors have 8 I/O’s.

Figure 1147:  This figure shows a digital PLC mirror with 2 connections per I/O and an analogue PLC mirror with 4 connections per I/O. Both mirrors have 8 I/O’s.


The connection point numbers and the I/O numbers are generic and can easily be edited when inserting the symbols to correspond with the actual PLC’s that you are using.


The graphical appearance of the PLC mirrors is table-like, which gives a nice and clear representation of entire I/O cards. These PLC mirror symbols are by definition Horizontal but are of course in every practical way generic not bound to neither horizontal, nor vertical circuit diagrams.


Please also note that you are allowed to combine any number of PLC mirrors for one single PLC, to represent the actual I/O’s.


The table below is showing the exact content of the PLC mirror library.


Figure 1148:  Standard PLC mirrors of cadett ELSA

Figure 1148:  Standard PLC mirrors of cadett ELSA