Display separator character for terminal number in

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Display separator character for terminal number in

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Figure 455:  The "Always use terminal number separator in" section

Figure 455:  The "Always use terminal number separator in" section


The terminal number separator is normally a colon (”:”). It is however configurable, controlled by the composition of item designations for terminals and connectors. Please refer to the Composition of item designations topic for a description of that.


Whether the separator character should be included in the terminal numbers of circuit diagrams and/or terminal lists, is a matter of standards and opinions. It is also something that varies between nations. For example, in Germany it is very common to include the separator character, while it is very rare to do so in the Scandinavian countries.


The parameters in this section give you the opportunity to control how you want to have it.


The sub-topics listed below contains detailed information about the two parameters that you find in this sub-section.


Circuit diagrams
